The science tells us that our brain needs to switch between a state of zooming into the problems and zooming out to the bigger picture to come up with innovative solutions. We know these involve different networks in the brain, and neuroimaging studies show us that it is the switching between these states and connectivity between these networks that underlies creative solutions (5,6). 


However tight deadlines, volatile environments, lack of time and fast decisions cause us to stay in one lane, zooming into specific problems and losing sight of where we want to go.

We are interested in working with leaders and teams operating in highly volatile environments to test new methods of creative problem-solving and judgement. We also are interested in conversations and collaborations with researchers who work in decision-making, uncertainty and creativity.


(5) Beaty RE, Benedek M, Wilkins RW, Jauk E, Fink A, Silvia PJ, Hodges DA, Koschutnig K, Neubauer AC. Creativity and the default network: A functional connectivity analysis of the creative brain at rest. Neuropsychologia. 2014 Nov;64:92-8 

(6) Shofty, B., Gonen, T., Bergmann, E. et al. The default network is causally linked to creative thinking. Mol Psychiatry 27, 1848–1854 (2022). 

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